DNA Barcodes from the Global Genome Initiative for Gardens Program

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DNA Barcodes from the Global Genome Initiative for Gardens Program
Short Description: 

This program is a GGI-funded effort to collect and preserve genetic material from the plant Tree of Life that is not yet represented in any of the Global Genome Biodiversity Network’s partner institutions, and that are currently found in living collections around the globe. Its barcoding component seeks to detect taxonomic groups that do not have sequences flagged as barcodes in GenBank, thus allowing GGI to focus sequencing efforts on lineages that are not represented in this repository.

Botanical Research Institute of TexasAn international scientific research and learning center focused on conservation and knowledge sharingInstitute
Zúñiga JD, Gostel MR, Mulcahy DG, Barker K, Asia Hill , Sedaghatpour M, Vo SQ, Funk VA, Coddington JA. Data Release: DNA barcodes of plant species collected for the Global Genome Initiative for Gardens Program, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.. PhytoKeys. 2017; (88)119-122.
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