Resolution of deep eudicot phylogeny and their temporal diversification using nuclear genes from transcriptomics and genomic datasets

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Resolution of deep eudicot phylogeny and their temporal diversification using nuclear genes from transcriptomics and genomic datasets
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Explosive diversification is widespread in eukaryotes, making it difficult to resolve phylogenetic relationships and other evolutionary analyses, such as eudicots, especially the Pentapetalae, in flowering plants. We show a highly resolved phylogenetic tree, divergence time estimates and diversification rate shifts of eudicots by using low-copy nuclear genes from transcriptomics and genomic datasets. This paper is accepted by New Phytologist on December 25, 2017.

Fudan UniveristyUniversity
Zeng L, Zhang N, Zhang Q, Endress PK, Huang J, Ma H. Resolution of deep eudicot phylogeny and their temporal diversification using nuclear genes from transcriptomic and genomic datasets.. The New phytologist. 2017 May; 214(3):1338-1354.
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