Asterid phylogenomics/phylotranscriptomics uncover morphological evolutionary histories and phylogenetic placement for numerous whole genome duplications

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Asterid phylogenomics/phylotranscriptomics uncover morphological evolutionary histories and phylogenetic placement for numerous whole genome duplications
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Using genomic and transcriptomic data to study the phylogeny, WGD and evoulution of the asterids

Fudan UniverisityUniversity
Zhang C, Zhang T, Luebert F, Xiang Y, Huang CH, Hu Y, Rees M, Frohlich MW, Qi J, Weigend M, Ma H. Asterid Phylogenomics/Phylotranscriptomics Uncover Morphological Evolutionary Histories and Support Phylogenetic Placement for Numerous Whole-Genome Duplications.. Molecular biology and evolution. 2020 11 01; 37(11):3188-3210.
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