Crop Science 59:1107 Table S1

Resource Type: 
Crop Science 59:1107 Table S1
Project Type: 
Short Description: 

Accessions were planted in a randomized complete block design with two replications at the Hancock Research Station in Hancock, WI, in the summer of 2016 and 2017. One hundred seeds of each accession were planted in each 1-m plots. Canopy height was measured just before harvest with three measurements taken per plot. Harsh flavor was evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5 (with 5 being the least harsh, and 1 being the harshest) on at least three individual roots per plot after harvest in fall 2016.

Phenotypic data from supplemental table S1
Corak KE, Ellison SL, Simon PW, Spooner DM, Dawson JC. Comparison of Representative and Custom Methods of Generating Core Subsets of a Carrot Germplasm Collection. Crop science. 2019; 59(3):1107-1121.
There are 431 accession stocks
csc2cropsci2018090602-sup-0001comma-delimited text file
phenotype_10.2135_cropsci2018.09.0602microsoft excel xlsx file
Geographic Location: 
LatitudeUncertainty (±)LongitudeUncertainty (±)Altitude (m)Uncertainty (±)Description
44.119816-89.53603332Hancock Wisconsin 2016