Conversion of an AFLP fragment linked to the carrot Y2 locus to a simple, codominant, PCR-based marker form

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Publication Type: 
Journal Article
Conversion of an AFLP fragment linked to the carrot Y2 locus to a simple, codominant, PCR-based marker form
Bradeen J, Simon P
Series Name: 
Theoretical and applied genetics
Journal Abbreviation: 
Theor. appl. genet.
Page Numbers: 
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Publication Date: 
1998 Oct
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AGLLoading content
Bradeen J, Simon P. Conversion of an AFLP fragment linked to the carrot Y2 locus to a simple, codominant, PCR-based marker form. Theoretical and applied genetics. 1998 Oct; 97(5/6):960-967.
Recent advances have expanded the potential usefulness of molecular techniques for plant genetic research. AFLP is a powerful technique, allowing rapid and reliable analysis of multiple, potentially polymorphic sites in a single experiment. Because AFLP technology requires no a priori knowledge of genome structure or preparation of molecular probes, it is immediately useful for a wide variety of plant species. However, because AFLP markers are dominant, costly, and technologically demanding, the technique has limited application for large-scale, locus-specific uses. In carrot, the Y2 locus controls carotene accumulation in the root xylem core. Although carrot is an important source of dietary carotene, little is known about the regulation and biosynthesis of carotenes in carrot. We identified six AFLP fragments linked to the Y2 locus through a combination of F2 mapping and bulked segregant analysis. We have developed a procedure for generating simple, codominant, PCR-based markers from dominant AFLP fragments using a Y2-linked AFLP fragment as a model. Our converted marker requires only a simple PCR followed by standard agarose gel electrophoresis. It is rapid, simple, reliable, comparatively inexpensive, codominant, and non-radioactive. Conversion of AFLP fragments to forms better adapted to large-scale, locus-specific applications greatly expands the usefulness of this molecular technique.
Language Abbr: 
  • Daucus carota
  • genetic markers
  • loci
  • polymerase chain reaction
  • codominance
  • chromosome mapping
  • linkage (genetics)
  • amplified fragment length polymorphism
  • inverse polymerase chain reaction