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Linkage map markers and information.

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The F4 linkage mapping population 2569 (n=213) was derived from an initial cross between Queen Anne’s Lace (QAL) and B493. QAL is a wild carrot with a heavily branched root that lacks carotenoids, while B493 is a smooth, orange-pigmented, cultivated inbred line.

Phenotypic data for β-carotene accumulation was acquired using visual assessment and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Employing GBS, in conjunction with the Universal Network Enabled Analysis Kit (UNEAK) TASSEL pipeline, we identified 37,361 novel SNPs. After filtering for missing data, a genetic linkage map was constructed using 569 high-quality SNPs with an average distance of 1.3 cM between markers. β-carotene accumulation was mapped to a 1.1 cM region on the distal end of Chromosome 7 with the closest marker located 0.4 cM away.

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