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Linkage map markers and information.


This mapping population was obtained by self-pollinating a single F₁ hybrid plant which originated from a cross between B493 × QAL (inbred line × wild carrot) composed of 183 F₂ plants.

This map is the Coupling phase map and is composed of 103 AFLP, 2 SSR, and 1 SCAR markers (106 total). The total map length is 480.4 cM in 9 linkage groups.


This mapping population was obtained by self-pollinating a single F₁ hybrid plant which originated from a cross between B493 × QAL (inbred line × wild carrot) composed of 183 F₂ plants.

This map is the Coupling + Repulsion phase map and is composed of 138 AFLP, 2 SSR, and 1 SCAR markers (141 total). The total map length is 580.0 cM in 9 linkage groups.


This mapping population was obtained by self-pollinating a single F₁ hybrid plant which originated from a cross between B493 × QAL (inbred line × wild carrot) composed of 183 F₂ plants.

This map is the Coupling phase map and is composed of 102 AFLP, 2 SSR, and 1 SCAR markers (105 total). The total map length is 464.4 cM in 9 linkage groups.


This mapping population was obtained by self-pollinating a single F₁ hybrid plant which originated from a cross between Brasília × HCM (open-pollinated Brazilan cultivar × high carotene population) composed of 160 F₂ plants.

This map is the Coupling phase map and is composed of 101 AFLP, 1 SSR, and 1 SCAR markers (103 total) and 9 quantitative trait loci. The total map length is 397.5 cM in 9 linkage groups.


This mapping population was obtained by self-pollinating a single F₁ hybrid plant which originated from a cross between Brasília × HCM (open-pollinated Brazilan cultivar × high carotene population) composed of 160 F₂ plants.

This map is the Coupling + Repulsion phase map and is composed of 164 AFLP markers. The total map length is 660.9 cM in 9 linkage groups.


This mapping population was obtained by self-pollinating a single F₁ hybrid plant which originated from a cross between Brasília × HCM (open-pollinated Brazilan cultivar × high carotene population) composed of 160 F₂ plants.

This map is the Coupling phase map and is composed of 141 AFLP markers and 12 quantitative trait loci. The total map length is 600.1 cM in 9 linkage groups.


This is a merged map based on two different mapping populations, Brasília × HCM (open-pollinated Brazilan cultivar × high carotene population) composed of 160 F₂ plants, and B493 × QAL (inbred line × wild carrot) composed of 183 F₂ plants.

This map is composed of 133 AFLP markers, 1 SCAR, and 1 SSR marker (135 total). The total map length is 515.8 cM in 6 linkage groups.

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