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Supplemental Table S2. Pearson’s correlation coefficients for canopy height and harsh flavor in collection of 433
carrot accessions and in core sets.
None of the correlations are significantly different from zero as determined by
a t-test for differences in means.

Supplemental Fig. S1: Average silhouette width of genotypic clusters. Silhouette width was calculated for K=2-10
clusters of accessions based on their genetic distances. The vertical dotted line indicates the most appropriate
number of clusters.

Supplemental Fig. S2. Distribution of phenotypes for collection of 433 carrot accessions. Four hundred thirty-
three accessions were grown over two years in Hancock, Wisconsin in a randomized complete block design with 2
replications. Least-squares mean estimates of trait values, with within plot measurements averaged for height and
harsh flavor, are plotted.

Supplemental Fig. S3. Per-locus distribution of differences in genetic diversity measurements between the
collection of 433 carrot accessions and each core.
Per-locus measurements of expected heterozygosity, observed
heterozygosity, and minor allele frequency were calculated for the total collection and each core. Values calculated
at each locus in a core collection were subtracted from the values at that locus in the total collection and the
distribution of those differences is plotted. Vertical red lines indicate mean difference across loci and black
triangles highlight zero.

NameAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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