Carrot Genome Assembly DCARv3 Sequence Original Naming Scheme

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This file contains the carrot genome assembly sequences with the authors' original naming scheme, and is the version used for the JBrowse instance available here. See the referenced analysis below for more details.


The project goals are to improve the assembly of the genome of cultivated carrot, and improve gene predictions using this improved assembly.

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Pacific Bioscience, Oxford Nanopore, Illumina Paired-End (PE) and Hi-C sequencing data were used to develop an improved genome assembly and annotation of the doubled haploid orange Nantes-type carrot DH1, NCBI BioSample SAMN03216637. The new DH1 v3 assembly spans 440.7 Mb, assembled into nine chromosomes which represent ~93% of the estimated nuclear genome size (473 Mb).

This genome is available in the CarrotOmics Blast Search

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NameCommon NameComment
For a general overview of carrot, see the Carrot Facts Page
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This biosample is also known by its germplasm accession of DH1, please see this record for more details.

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