
Resource Type: 
Generated Germplasm (Breeding Cross)
Cross Reference: 
USDA Germplasm
  • B2566B
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There are 3 relationships.
The generated germplasm, B2566M, is a paternal parent of cultivar, Savory.
The sample, B2566B_10.21273/HORTSCI13333-18, is sample of generated germplasm, B2566M.
The sample, B2566B_10.21273/HORTSCI14144-19, is sample of generated germplasm, B2566M.
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TreeBASE study 13876: Molecular phylogeny of Daucus (Apiaceae). There is one tree from this study available in CarrotOmics.
Tree Tr60728 corresponds to figure 1 in the publication, however, branch lengths and parsimony bootstrap values were not included in the TreeBASE submission.
The tree in figure 2 from the publication was not submitted to TreeBASE and therefore is not present in CarrotOmics.

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the response of diverse carrot germplasm to salinity stress, identify salt-tolerant carrot germplasm that may be used by breeders, and define appropriate screening criteria for assessing salt tolerance in germinating carrot seed.

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the response of diverse carrot germplasm to heat stress, identify heat-tolerant germplasm that may be used by plant breeders, and define the appropriate temperature for assessing heat tolerance in germinating carrot seed.

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Images from carrot roots grown in 2018 used by the SCRI Project

Images from carrot roots grown in 2019 used by the SCRI Project

TreeBASE Tree Tr60728 from study S13876: Molecular Phylogeny of Daucus.

This tree corresponds to figure 1 in the publication, however, branch lengths and parsimony bootstrap values were not included in the TreeBASE submission.

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NameUniquenameFeature Type
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  1. Simon P, Peterson C, Bassett M, Strandberg J, White J, Rubatzky V. B2566 carrot inbred. HortScience. 1987 Apr; 22(2):327.
  2. Spooner D, Rojas P, Bonierbale M, Mueller LA, Srivastav M, Senalik D, Simon P. Molecular phylogeny of Daucus (Apiaceae). Systematic botany. 2013; 38(3):850-857.
  3. Anonymous. Release of carrot inbreds B2302 and B2566. USDA Germplasm Release 1986(1):1
Image File: 
There are 3 images.
  • date: 2018-10-26
  • File Name: B2566_3.jpg
  • generated germplasm: B2566B
  • legend: Image of root grown in Hancock, Wisconsin USA taken 2018-10-26
  • photo provider: USDA ARS VCRU
  • date: 2019-05-09
  • File Name: B2566B_1.jpg
  • generated germplasm: B2566B
  • legend: Image of root grown in Hancock, Wisconsin USA taken 2019-05-09
  • photo provider: USDA ARS VCRU
  • date: 2019-05-09
  • File Name: B2566B_2.jpg
  • generated germplasm: B2566B
  • legend: Image of root grown in Hancock, Wisconsin USA taken 2019-05-09
  • photo provider: USDA ARS VCRU
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    Data Year: 

    Here, we integrate the carrot linkage groups with pachytene chromosomes by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) mapping genetically anchored bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs). For karyotype description, all chromosomes in 24 pachytene cells were measured. The position of each BAC clone on a specific chromosome is given as a relative distance in percent, calculated as the distance of the FISH signal from the end of the short-arm relative to the total length (in micrometer) of the chromosome.

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