Data Template
Template TypePHENOTYPE
* dataset_name name of the QTL trait study, the dataset_name should exist in 'dataset_name' column of the 'Dataset' sheet. A-B-C-D system
A: common name of species (scientific name if not available and genus name if cross-species)
B: trait_name (usually an article report multiple QTL for a trait)
C: Last name of the corresponding author
D: publish year
* stock_nameName of the population or parent of the population, The name should exist in the 'stock_name' column of the 'Stock' sheet.
* genusGenus to which the stock belongs to.
* speciesSpecies name. Enter 'sp.' to represent one unknown species, 'spp.' to represent multiple unknown species.
* descriptorName of the trait descriptor. It should exist in 'descriptor_name' column of the 'Descriptor' sheet.
trait_descriptor_setThe name of the trait descriptor set that is stored in cv table of chado
site_nameLocation/environment where the plant was grown. Site_name should exist in 'site_name' column of the 'Site' sheet. If the phenotypic measurement has been done in multiple years, create multiple site_code even if it is done in the same location.
* meanThe mean value of the traits for each parent and progeny.
min_valueThe minimum value of the traits for each parent and progeny.
max_valueThe maximum value of the traits for each parent and progeny.
CI_90Confidence Intervals
##property_nameSpecial columns (##) : followed by name (cvterm name) of the property.
* Required field