Daucus carota isolate:74,146: Daucus carota 74,146 Linkage Map for beta-Carotene Accumulation

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Daucus carota isolate:74,146: Daucus carota 74,146 Linkage Map for beta-Carotene Accumulation
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The F4 population 74,146 was derived from a cross between USDA carrot inbred line B493, an orange-rooted inbred line, and QAL (Queen Anne’s Lace), a wild-type white-rooted carrot from the United States. This population was found to be segregating for root color (yellow, orange, or dark orange) associated with the Y2 locus. Genotyping by sequencing was used to find single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within individuals of this population.

USDA ARSUnited States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research ServiceResearch Group
Ellison S, Senalik D, Bostan H, Iorizzo M, Simon P. Fine Mapping, Transcriptome Analysis, and Marker Development for Y₂, the Gene That Conditions β-Carotene Accumulation in Carrot (Daucus carota L.).. G3 (Bethesda, Md.). 2017 08 07; 7(8):2665-2675.
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The project, 74,146 QTL 2017, is a subproject of project, Daucus carota isolate:74,146: Daucus carota 74,146 Linkage Map for beta-Carotene Accumulation.
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The F4 population 74,146 was derived from a cross between USDA carrot inbred line B493, an orange-rooted line, and QAL (Queen Anne’s Lace), a wild-type white-rooted carrot from the United States.

The TASSEL-GBS pipeline version 4.3.7 was used to call SNPs. The carrot genome assembly v2.0 was used as a reference to identify marker locations. SNPs were filtered for <10% missing data for genotype and marker, >10% minor allele frequency, and no more than two alleles.

The linkage map from this publication can be viewed at 2017 74,146

Data from this analysis can be viewed in JBrowse here.

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The F4 population 74,146 was derived from a cross between USDA carrot inbred line B493, an orange-rooted line, and QAL (Queen Anne’s Lace), a wild-type white-rooted carrot from the United States. Plants were grown the summer of 2013 at the University of Wisconsin, Hancock Agricultural Research Station, and 213 roots were selected for phenotyping and genotyping.

Plants from this population were genotyped using Genotyping-By-Sequencing (GBS), as described by Elshire et al., which was carried out at the University of Wisconsin–Madison Biotechnology Center with minimal modification and half-sized reactions. The TASSEL-GBS pipeline version 4.3.7 was used to call SNPs.

Heterozygous SNPs, with an allele ratio expected to be 1:1, were eliminated if the ratio of the two alleles was <0.3 or >0.7, leaving 2999 high quality markers for linkage mapping. Genetic linkage analysis and map construction was executed in JoinMap 4. The 74,146 map was analyzed as an F2 population. Markers ascertained to be the result of false double recombination events were identified using CheckMatrix version 248 and removed. The following parameters were used for the calculation: Haldane’s mapping function, LOD≥3.0, REC frequency≤0.4, goodness-of-fit jump threshold for removal of loci = 5.0, number of added loci after which a ripple was performed = 1, and third round = no. At LOD.10, with,10% missing data for marker and genotype, 616 markers were grouped into nine linkage groups.

QTL analysis was carried out using the R package R/qtl. For the single QTL model interval analyses, genotype probabilities were calculated with a step value of 1 over the entire linkage map. The “scanone” function used the normal phenotype model (model =“normal”) and the Haley-Knott regression method (method =“hk”) as parameters. After running 1000 permutations with an assumed genotyping error rate of 0.001, a LOD of 4.01 was set as the QTL significance threshold. Confidence intervals for each QTL were defined as the 1.5 LOD drop off flanking the peak of the QTL.

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