Using the inbred lines P50006 and HCM A.C. as parents, the F₂ generation population was constructed by artificial de-maleization. HCM A.C. is provided by Professor Philipp W. Simon of the University of Wisconsin, USA. P50006 is a high-carotene inbred line material selected by the Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences after years of breeding. In late July 2007, the parents and F₂ generations were sown in the open field on the experimental farm of the Vegetable and Flower Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
Relationships |
The breeding_research_material, P50006, is a maternal parent of population, P50006×HCM. |
The generated germplasm, High Carotene Mass, is a paternal parent of population, P50006×HCM. |

Name | Description | Units |
Using the inbred lines P50006 and HCM A.C. as parents, the F₂ generation population was constructed by artificial de-maleization. HCM A.C. is provided by Professor Philipp W. Simon of the University of Wisconsin, USA. P50006 is a high-carotene inbred line material selected by the Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences after years of breeding. In late July 2007, the parents and F₂ generations were sown in the open field on the experimental farm of the Vegetable and Flower Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 140 individual plants were randomly selected from the F₂ population for QTL analysis. The content of α, β-carotene, total carotene and lycopene was detected by SPSS 15.0 software for normal distribution, and the heritability of each trait was calculated according to Xu Yunbi and other methods. SRAP molecular markers use JoinMap 4.0 software to construct genetic maps. The LOD values are "3.0" to "8.0", the maximum recombination rate is the system default (0.45), and the genetic distance is calculated using the Kosambi function. Using QTLNetwork 2.0 software, mixed linear model-based composite interval mapping (Mixed-model-based composite interval mapping, MCIM) was used for QTL analysis and epistatic effect detection, and the whole genome was QTL scanned in 1 cM steps. Use the Permutation test to perform 1,000 repetitions to estimate the significance threshold of P<0.05 in the whole genome, to judge the existence of QTL, and use the highest significance position as the QTL position to calculate the interaction of each QTL Effects and interpretable phenotypic variation values have 2.4 morphological markers. In total, 91 markers are assigned to 9 chains. The QTL naming is indicated by the abbreviation of traits, affiliated group number and QTL sequence number. | cM |