GRIN Accession |
COLLECTED Germany by. DONATED 07/1983 Maryland, United States by McCollum, G., USDA, ARS. DONATED PRE 07/1983 Germany by Botanical Institute de Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University
Latitude | Uncertainty (±) | Longitude | Uncertainty (±) | Altitude (m) | Uncertainty (±) | Description |
unavailable | unavailable | unavailable | Germany: Hiddensee Island |
Relationships |
The sample, PI 478867.ALB.1992.1, is sample of accession, Daucus carota subsp. carota Germany. |
The sample, PI 478867.ALB.2013.1, is sample of accession, Daucus carota subsp. carota Germany. |
The sample, PI 478867.ALB.2013.2, is sample of accession, Daucus carota subsp. carota Germany. |
The sample, PI 478867.ALB.2014.1, is sample of accession, Daucus carota subsp. carota Germany. |
The sample, PI 478867.ALB.2014.2, is sample of accession, Daucus carota subsp. carota Germany. |
The sample, PI_478867_83ncpo01_SD:NC7.100SEEDWGT.TRANSFER.FROM.NC7IV.TABLE, is sample of accession, Daucus carota subsp. carota Germany. |
The sample, PI_478867_84ncai01_SD:NC7.100SEEDWGT.TRANSFER.FROM.NC7IV.TABLE, is sample of accession, Daucus carota subsp. carota Germany. |
The sample, PI 478867_10.21273/HORTSCI15058-20, is sample of accession, Daucus carota subsp. carota Germany. |
Name | Description |
Traits evaluated: HUNDRED SEED WEIGHT (100SEEDWGT) Method: This is the generic evaluation method that can be used for transferring hundred seed weights from the prod.nc7iv table to the prod.ob table. The prod.ob table is where the values for the descriptors are stored. | |
Strandberg, J.O. 1992. Evaluations of plant introductions of Daucus species for tolerance of Alternaria Dauci and some other horticultural characteristics. University of Florida Central Florida Research and Education Center. Sanford, Florida. Research Report SAN 93-03 | |
Hancock, Wisconsin evaluations for Alternaria resistance in 2013 | |
Hancock, Wisconsin evaluations for Alternaria resistance in 2014 | |
This study was designed to estimate ion leakage and increase in cell permeability in response to heat stress at the early and late seedling developmental stages of 215 diverse accessions of wild and cultivated carrot germplasm. |
Image | Annotations |