Daucus sahariensis Tunisia

Resource Type: 
Germplasm Accession
Ames 30283
Cross Reference: 
GRIN AccessionLoading content
Daucus sahariensis Tunisia
Ames 30283
  • Tun216
  • PS 0809

Synonyms:PS 0809:Tun216; Seed color varies from plant to plant: red, brown, and yellow.; COLLECTED 08/10/2009 Medenine, Tunisia by Spooner, D., USDA, ARS; Simon, P., USDA, ARS, Vegetable Crops Research Unit; Rouz, S., Tunisian National Gene Bank (BNG); Bouzbida, B., Institut des Regiones Arides. DONATED 10/20/2009 Wisconsin, United States by Simon, P., USDA, ARS, Vegetable Crops Research Unit

Geographic Location: 
LatitudeUncertainty (±)LongitudeUncertainty (±)Altitude (m)Uncertainty (±)Description
33.24510.457778139Tunisia: Along road to Medenine, 7 km north of Bir Lahmar.
Spooner D, Rojas P, Bonierbale M, Mueller LA, Srivastav M, Senalik D, Simon P. Molecular phylogeny of Daucus (Apiaceae). Systematic botany. 2013; 38(3):850-857.
TreeBASE study 13876: Molecular phylogeny of Daucus (Apiaceae). There is one tree from this study available in CarrotOmics.
Tree Tr60728 corresponds to figure 1 in the publication, however, branch lengths and parsimony bootstrap values were not included in the TreeBASE submission.
The tree in figure 2 from the publication was not submitted to TreeBASE and therefore is not present in CarrotOmics.
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TreeBASE Tree Tr60728 from study S13876: Molecular Phylogeny of Daucus.

This tree corresponds to figure 1 in the publication, however, branch lengths and parsimony bootstrap values were not included in the TreeBASE submission.

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GRIN Accession
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Image File: 
There are 3 images.
  • accession: Ames 30283
  • comments: GRIN Image
  • dataset name: GRIN Image
  • date: 2010-01-05
  • File Name: Ames_30283_09ncao01_SD_SD_MS_2010-01-05_01.jpg
  • legend: Ames 30283 09ncao01 SD | 2010-01-05 | NPGS Image of original umbel(s)
  • photo provider: Reitsma, Kathleen, Iowa State University
  • sample: Ames 30283 09ncao01 SD
  • accession: Ames 30283
  • comments: GRIN Image
  • dataset name: GRIN Image
  • date: 2010-02-10
  • File Name: Ames_30283_09ncao01_SD_SD_MS_2010-02-10_01.jpg
  • legend: Ames 30283 09ncao01 SD | 2010-02-10 | NPGS Image of original seeds
  • photo provider: Reitsma, Kathleen, Iowa State University
  • sample: Ames 30283 09ncao01 SD
  • accession: Ames 30283
  • comments: GRIN Image
  • dataset name: GRIN Image
  • date: 2010-01-05
  • File Name: Ames_30283_09ncao01_SD_SD_XX_2010-01-05_01.jpg
  • legend: Ames 30283 09ncao01 SD | 2010-01-05 | NPGS Scanned image of Daucus seed
  • photo provider: Reitsma, Kathleen, Iowa State University
  • sample: Ames 30283 09ncao01 SD
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