MK002241 ESSR-136

Resource Type: 
Genetic Marker
MK002241 ESSR-136
Marker Type: 
  1. Salgon Sylvia. Phenotyping and pigment analysis in carrot (Daucus carota L.) and genetic mapping with SSR markers and candidate genes. M.S. Thesis. 2011. Ministère de l'Agriculture Montpellier
  2. Iorizzo M, Ellison S, Senalik D, Zeng P, Satapoomin P, Huang J, Bowman M, Iovene M, Sanseverino W, Cavagnaro P, Yildiz M, Macko-Podgórni A, Moranska E, Grzebelus E, Grzebelus D, Ashrafi H, Zheng Z, Cheng S, Spooner D, Van Deynze A, Simon P. A high-quality carrot genome assembly provides new insights into carotenoid accumulation and asterid genome evolution.. Nature genetics. 2016 06; 48(6):657-66.
  3. Cavagnaro PF, Iorizzo M, Yildiz M, Senalik D, Parsons J, Ellison S, Simon PW. A gene-derived SNP-based high resolution linkage map of carrot including the location of QTL conditioning root and leaf anthocyanin pigmentation.. BMC genomics. 2014 Dec 16; 15:1118.
  4. Parsons Joshua D. QTL for Meloidogyne incognita root knot nematode resistance and other traits of interest in carrot (Daucus carota). Ph.D. Thesis. 2014. University of Wisconsin-Madison
There are 5 relationships.
The genetic_marker, MK002241 ESSR-136, is adjacent to primer, ESSR-136-F.
The genetic_marker, MK002241 ESSR-136, is adjacent to primer, ESSR-136-R.
The genetic_marker, MK002241 ESSR-136, is located in gene, DCAR_008644.
The genetic_marker, MK002241 ESSR-136, is located in gene, LOC108209180.
The marker_locus, ESSR-136, is an instance of genetic_marker, MK002241 ESSR-136.
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MapViewer Marker Map Positions: 
Map NameLinkage GroupPositionLocusMapViewer
2016 Integ NG full mapCH653.074ESSR-136MapViewer
2016 Integ NG full mapCH22.782ESSR-136MapViewer
2016 70796 NG full mapChr264.243ESSR-136MapViewer
2014 J.Parsons Th. Br1091×HM1F3Chr252.258ESSR-136MapViewer
2014 J.Parsons Th. Fig_4.4F3_Chr252.258ESSR-136MapViewer
2011 SS10611061-229.66ESSR-136MapViewer
2016 70349 NG full mapChr643.648ESSR-136MapViewer
2016 Integ NG bin mapCH268.918ESSR-136MapViewer
2011 SS1061QTL1061QTL-735.82ESSR-136MapViewer
2014 70349Chromosome_643.648ESSR-136MapViewer
2016 70796 NG bin mapChr264.243ESSR-136MapViewer
  • MK002241
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